Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Constable Grace goes Ghostbusting

The police's youngest ever recruit, Constable Grace, tired on her new Ghostbusting uniform at the Open Day at the International Deployment Group HQ in October. She looks very cute in her uniform. Now she needs to catch some ghosts.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Planting Trees

Today I planted six trees near the dam at my grandparent's farm. This one was a Wattle tree that I was given last week at the Botanical Gardens. We dug a big hole and put in some nice soil and fertilizer. We put lots of water into the hole. I also planted four Eucalyptus trees and one oak tree. I was very tired when we finished.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Grace turns her class into Frogs

The Star of the Day turned all of the children in the Green Room into hopping and very croaky frogs. What a funny day for Princess Grace.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My favourite balloon landing in Barton

I saw my favourite balloon landing in Barton the other day.  It was the Questacon Balloon.  It was very exciting!  Questacon is my favourite place in the whole world.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

When a spider dropped in for lunch

We were all having lunch outside my grandparents house yesterday when a big huntsman spider climbed down from the tree on a thread of its web.  It landed on my Grannie Dannie's arm while she was passing some food over to my brothers, Sam and Bailey.  They were very scared of the spider and ran away from the table and ate the rest of their lunch under a different tree.  They were screaming like babies and would not come back to the tables.  Chickens!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Holiday House

I told my mum that I want to go on a holiday in this spooky house.  None of my brothers and sisters want to come with me on this holiday.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

In a Spooky Graveyard

The other day I went to a very spooky graveyard.  But I was not scared at all.